About Me

A little bit about myself:

Hi! I'm a high schooler that attended Ressun Lukio IB World School, an IB school in Finland. I was born in Australia and lived there up until 2014, and then I moved to Finland where I currently live. I will be continually posting about the different experiences I've had in the IB and how to finish the gruelling amount of work, so keep checking back for more posts. Better yet, click the subscribe button from the menu on the top left of the website!

Other than school, I'm very much involved in the European Youth Parliament and have a few posts explaining why other people should join in too! Whenever I have free time, I volunteer with the Red Cross, draw and listen to music.

If you have any questions about attending Ressu, any assessment elements (IA, EE, etc.), comment on my posts, send me an email at maxinedean65@gmail.com :)

My subjects:

I took Higher Level (HL):
History, English A Language & Literature, and Psychology
I took Standard Level (SL):
Environmental Systems and Societies, Mathematics, and Finnish B.

My application and results when applying to IB schools:

To see what schools I applied for and the scores I received from each school, here's a handy table:

*Own points includes your academic GPA as well as score from the entrance examination.
**Cancelled means that you have the points to get into the school, but you were accepted into a school that was higher in your list of preferences
***Rejected means you did not receive a placement in the school (I was rejected from Tikkurilan Lukio as I did not attend the exam)


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